NHK World’s Documentary code-named “4001-331”, was my choice of programme for the last day of June 2019. It is about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and robots, and their effects in society as a whole, although more focused on employment. This high quality content puts nearly everything else on other networks to shame. It will probably teach you something. More importantly, it will make you think and spark a hunger to research and discuss some questions.
It is hard to pick “highlights” of the documentary; such is its constant high level.
It was great to see John Keynes’ “Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren” depicted (actual images of that academic paper), where the economist writes about “technological unemployment”, something that many argue we are about to see in bigger relative terms than ever before.
I also recall two images of New York, taken 10 years part, to illustrate how fast horses disappeared from the workforce. In 1903, horses were everywhere on the roads; 10 years later, only cars were to be seen.
Despite these two strong representations of thinking and technological change, the main merit of the video is how full of good examples it is. The viewer is given short, but intensely rich segments that show A.I. and robots at work at strawberry picking, design fabrication, automatic convenience stores, replacing bank tellers, replacing couriers, etc.
Finally, NHK reports on one experiment of “universal income” which was running at Hamilton, Canada. That experiment does not end well, being suspend earlier than its intended original length. “Universal income” is a must, that society is only delaying. There will not be employment for all, at least with a decent wage. Unhappy people are sick people, much limited on their potential contributions. Just imagine everyone being given a minimum, regardless of other income streams. I believe that, on time, criminality would be lower, health problems (including metal health) would decline, and from these two factors alone, an enormous amount of expenses would disappear. Moreover, with people becoming more available to pursue higher, unique, even creative, activities, more and innovations would become available, eventually releasing civilization from the rat race that traps most.

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