Gergeti Trinity Church, Georgia

Reddit user “” posted an interesting picture of the “Gergeti Trinity Church”, of which I know nothing.

Still, the contrast between the building and the background mountains is so intense, that I could not resist searching for the location in Google Earth and then try to do a resembling snapshot.

The images that follow are the best I have achieved. I could not find an angle that would even approach the grandiosity of the original background.

Latitude: 42.662634°
Longitude: 44.620202°

I intensely adore Google Earth Pro (GE), and consider it one of the most empowering pieces of software ever written, if not the absolute leader in the category. With GE you can travel to anywhere in the world and discover that region with a detail that goes beyond what was previously dreamt even in science fiction.

It is a wonderful experience to instantly go to places whose name you do not even have to know, and walk its streets, fly over any of its locations, and get a solid objective notion of the scale and surroundings of whatever captures one’s attention. Thank you, oh thank you modern times for this amazing, awesome tool!

One of the fun activities I do with GE is to snapshot locations, which roughly correspond to “real life” photos I find on the Internet. My academic bots usually harvest pictures on Reddit, and that network is my most common source of photos of places, that I’ll then try to locate in Google Earth.

Sometimes I will not be able to, or I will make mistakes in referring the correct original author(s), so – in advance – I am sorry for the lack of credit, or wrong credit, to the author(s) of the original photo(s). I am continuously trying to learn and improve my software solutions, including the harvesting bots, to properly fetch and embed the correct metadata.

Anyway, these posts labelled "real vs Google Earth" will usually consist of three elements:
– the original photo, found somewhere on the Internet, or of my own authorship;
– a Google Earth Pro snapshot which is a rough perspective of the place;
– a ZIP of a KMZ file containing a “placemark” that you can import into your GE and observe the perspective yourself.

You can download the offline installer for Google Earth Pro here:

Enjoy! (application/zip)

gergeti_trinity_church_-_georgia_768.jpg (image/jpeg)


gergety_triniti_church_google_earth_00_768.jpg (image/jpeg)


gergety_triniti_church_google_earth_02_768.jpg (image/jpeg)


SOLVED: Windows cannot access its own shares

After an update, one of the “Windows 10” PCs in my network could no longer successfully share its properly configured folders, which were working before the update.

When trying to access paths such as


the access would fail because of “no permission”.

NET use

commands would cause “System error 1219”.

All machines, including the source machine, were able to list the shared resources at


But no machine, including the source machine (!), were able to browse inside any resource.

Searching for the expression “windows 10 cannot access its own shared folders”, regardless of search engine, gives useless top results. A bad job from all search engines, also seen when one tries to find unbiased product reviews. The results from,,, etc., are spectacularly bad and incredibly frustrating, with long threads of diagnosing rubbish, all for nothing, with the support effort typically ending in a “did not work” reaction to the scripted suggestions.

In the end, I found that the error was because of “UAC” (“User Access Control”). That feature had been re-enabled by the Windows update. Disabling UAC – a functionality that I find annoying and of doubtful merit – fixed the issue.

Such was the annoyance and the break in productivity, due to an undocumented side effect of a feature causing what it should not cause, that I researched and wrote a PowerShell script to “run everything as administrator”. This solution might require a system restart, but I left the line that does so commented. Just remove the sharp (#) from the line

#shutdown -r -t 0

, if you want the script to restart the computer, instead of doing it yourself, on your own time.

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "EnableLUA" -Value "0" #Default value is 1

#The following is equal to the Security Policy "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" = "Elevate without prompting"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" -Value "0" #Default value is 2

#The following is equal to the Security Policy "User Account Control: Allow UIAccess applications to prompt for elevation without using the secure dekstop" = "Enabled"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "EnableUIADesktopToggle" -Value "1" #Default value is 0

#Reboot server
#shutdown -r -t 0

URLs "p1" 20200327 – 72 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

URLs "p1" 20200324 – 75 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

URLs "p1" 20200319 – 72 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

URLs "p1" 20200317 – 80 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

URLs "p1" 20200312 – 72 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

URLs "p1" 20200311 – 84 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

URLs "p1" 20200308 – 75 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.