My plants are 1 month old

It is now 1 month since I first ventured into growing a few plants, starting with a hydroponics kit with six slots.
Last week, two of the plants have outgrown the kit and now live in their own vase. Their slots have been occupied by two mystery pods – I do not know what will grow from them, if anything at all, because the pods were missing labels, by mistake of the seller.

The starting kit included the following plants, here listed with their original labels, including each plant’s sprout window and if it they are “tall”, “medium” or “short”:

  • Thai Basil (sprouts in 4-7 days) Tall
  • Genovese Basil (sprouts in 6-12 days) Tall
  • Dill (sprouts in 8-21 days)
  • Mint (sprouts in 6-10 days) Medium
  • Thyme (sprouts in 7-14 days) Short
  • Curly Parsley (sprouts in 21-28 days) Short

The two plants that have outgrown the kit and now live in their own vase are the “Thai Basil” and the “Dill”.

Here are the Portuguese names for the plants:

  • Thai Basil = Manjericão da Tailândia
  • Genovese Basil = Manjericão de Génova (cidade Italiana)
  • Dill = Aneto
  • Mint = Hortelã
  • Thyme = Tomilho
  • Curly Parsley = Salsa encaracolada

The idea of growing these plants is to learn, to experience a bit of hydroponics and plant growing, and then use some as food!
I think the Thai basil and the dill are big enough to survive a small pruning, so I Googled for related home recipes.

For Thai basil:

For dill:

Finally, here are six sets of three pictures each; capturing three different stages of growth of the original six plants. From left to right, the first picture is on 2019-06-25 (“planting day”), the second on 2019-07-06, the third and final on 2019-07-26.

curly_parsley_evo20190625_20190706_20190726.png (image/png)


diil_evo20190625_20190706_20190726.png (image/png)


genovese_basil_evo20190625_20190706_20190726.png (image/png)


mint_evo20190625_20190706_20190726.png (image/png)


thai_basil_evo20190625_20190706_20190726.png (image/png)


thyme_evo20190625_20190706_20190726.png (image/png)


Technical Details