URLs "p1" 20200209 – 88 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble – "From the Stairwell"

This is the best Jazz I have discovered in a long, long time.
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble is deep, slow, focus-inducing, acoustic nutrients for the brain.
Extraordinary use of wind instruments, superb sensibility for instrument arrangement and positioning. A wonderful rarity.

I am enjoying all their albums, but listening to “From the Stairwell”, as I code on the computer.

URLs "p1" 20200206 – 85 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.

URLs "p1" 20200203 – 84 resources

I am an avid WWW surfer, with hundreds of websites visited each month, sometimes daily. I bookmark them all, at least for logging purposes. These posts having the "urls" category, capture what was on my browser on a specific date. I hope you enjoy some of these shared resources.